Choosing the right database (or databases) depends on your needs or interests.
1. Start at the library’s home page:
2. Click Database List.
3. Select the letter that corresponds to the database you want or click on the link to the subject listing.
4. Click on the name of the database you want to search
5. Sign in with your LEA username and password.
Once you’re in a database, search for key words and terms related to your topic. Each database has search options, so become familiar with them. Most will be common among the databases, such as: Full Text, Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed), and Date Range.
The search results will be a list of article citations. Many databases provide full-text articles, so the article will be available to read, print, or download. Articles available as PDF or full page image will be scans of the original articles. HTML or plain text articles will include just the text from the articles.
Any title with issues published periodically. Two main types are:
Scholarly-lengthy research articles written by academics and professionals in the field and are peer-reviewed prior to publication.
Popular-news magazines and other publications with brief articles designed for general readers.
See the Indexes section for paper and electronic indexes used for locating articles on historical topics. Browsing periodicals is not recommended as the most efficient way to locate articles since they are located throughout the collection.
Older years of Periodicals are located in the STACKS of Gray Library or in Microforms (film or fiche). Current issues are located on the 2nd floor in Periodicals/Reserves