Need help with paper formatting and citations? The Writing Center can help you!
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The APSA (American Political Science Association) citation style, often used in political science, includes specific formatting guidelines for a title page. This closely resembles Chicago Manual Style. Here's what a typical APSA title page should look like based on the APSA's guidelines:
Title of the Paper:
Institutional Affiliation:
Course Information (optional):
Instructor’s Name (optional):
Title of Your Paper
(Centered, Bold, Title Case)
Author’s Full Name
(Centered, No Titles)
Institution or University Name
(Centered, Department or School, if relevant)
Course Name and Number
(Centered, if relevant)
Instructor’s Name
(Centered, if relevant)
Date of Submission
(Centered, at the bottom)
The guidelines for APSA formatting come from the APSA Style Manual for Political Science, which is the official publication used to standardize citation and formatting within political science.
You can download a Microsoft Word document with a template for APSA format in the box titled "APSA Paper Template."
Usually, the settings for font format and spacing are much like other citation styles, or what your professor specifies for your assignment.
Here are the specifics for Chicago Manual Style:
Page Numbers:
Title Page: