Here are 3 ways you can utilize Information Literacy tutorials in your course:
1. Before Library instruction
Do your librarians have limited time with students to teach them research and information literacy skills?
2. Scaffold throughout your Course
Are you concerned about having enough time to cover your course’s content and incorporate research instruction into your syllabus?
3. As a Remedial Tool
Do some of your students need a refresher or additional help with how to do research (transfer students, non-traditional students, at risk students)?
Our rich collection of interactive tutorials provides valuable information literacy support covering a wide variety of topics.
Scroll down for more information on these tools.
Submit your tutorial request below or contact for more information.
The Libwizard tutorial platform allows provides localized digital instruction on a variety of library resources and topics including:
These tutorials can be completed for a grade and/or certificate so students can demonstrate their progress to you.
The gallery below displays a sampling of current tutorials and others can be made upon request to meet your specific information literacy needs.
Tutorials can also be custom made for your research needs!
Contact Michael Saar for more information -
Credo's Information Literacy–Core is a set of online videos, tutorials, and quizzes covering information literacy. Your library has subscribed to Information Literacy–Core and it is free for you and students to use, on campus or off.
The resource aims to:
Wondering how Information Literacy–Core works in real-life classrooms? This brief case study illustrates how Teri Catanio, an instructor and Director of the Career Center at Cairn University, PA, used Information Literacy–Core to increase her students' research and writing abilities. The gains were immediate and persisted long-term, making the professors work easier and the students more successful.
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