Suggestions for Assignments (Gustavus)
Scroll down to the bottom of the guide for a variety of assignments that Includes interpretive assignments, synthesis assignments, exploring discourses and quick and dirty assignments.
Assign a research log, turned in early in the project, containing ...
In addition to a list of works cited for a paper or presentation, ask students to include a short explanation of how each source was useful to them in creating their paper or presentation.
Given a topic that is much too broad to handle in a short paper, find several sources (magazine, newspaper, or journal articles, chapters in books or reference books) to assist in refining the focus. For example, refine the topic Ethics in Sports down to Drug use in Track and Field and further down to doping in the 2004 Olympics Track and Field events. This teaches students how to narrow a topic as well as what types of sources they might find useful in doing so.(Adapted from Alternatives to Research Papers--UConn Library)