Bibliographic information, author abstracts and cited reference. Full text: references only.
These are only a few of the journals available in print or online through the library
American Journal of EpidemiologyThe American Journal of Epidemiology is the oldest and one of the premier epidemiologic journals devoted to the publication of empirical research findings, opinion pieces, and methodological developments in the field of epidemiologic research.
Annual Review of Cell and Developmental BiologyThe Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology, in publication since 1985, covers the most significant developments in the field of cell and developmental biology, including structure, function, and organization of the cell, development and evolution of the cell as it relates to single and multicellular organisms, and models and tools of molecular biology.
Annual Review of NeuroscienceThe Annual Review of Neuroscience, in publication since 1978, covers the significant developments across the entire field of neuroscience, including molecular and cellular neuroscience, neurogenetics, development, plasticity and repair, systems neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, behavior, and neurobiology of disease, with occasional reviews in history of neuroscience and ethics.
Annual Review of PhysiologyThe Annual Review of Physiology, in publication since 1939, covers the significant developments in the field of animal physiology, including cardiovascular physiology; cell physiology; ecological, evolutionary, and comparative physiology; endocrinology; gastrointestinal physiology; neurophysiology; renal and electrolyte physiology; respiratory physiology; and special topics.
BioscienceSince 1964, BioScience has presented readers with timely and authoritative overviews of current research in biology, accompanied by essays and discussion sections on education, public policy, history, and the conceptual underpinnings of the biological sciences.
Cancer ResearchCancer Research publishes original studies, reviews, and opinion pieces offering significance and broad impact to a diverse audience. Cancer Research seeks manuscripts that offer pathobiological and translational impact to inform the personal, clinical, and societal problems posed by cancer. The main scope of the journal is captured in its primary subsections: Genome and Epigenome, Metabolism and Chemical Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Tumor Biology and Immunology, Translational Science, Convergence and Technologies, and Population and Prevention Science.
GeneticsGENETICS is published by the Genetics Society of America, a scholarly society that seeks to deepen our understanding of the living world by advancing our understanding of genetics. Since 1916, GENETICS has published high-quality, original research presenting novel findings bearing on genetics and genomics. The journal publishes empirical studies of organisms ranging from microbes to humans, as well as theoretical work.
Human Biologyounded in 1929, Human Biology is an international, peer-reviewed journal that focuses on research to increase understanding of human biological variation. Among the topics considered by the journal are anthropological, quantitative, evolutionary, and population genetics and genomics; ancient DNA studies and paleogenomics; demography and genetic epidemiology; and ethical and social implications of human genetic and genomic research.
Journal of Cell BiologyThe Journal of Cell Biology (JCB) is a broad journal that publishes original findings on all aspects of cell biology. We consider papers reporting new cellular or molecular advances in any areas of basic cell biology as well as papers that describe applied cell biology in a variety of systems including, but not limited to, immunology, neurobiology, metabolism, virology, developmental biology, and plant biology. We welcome all submissions that describe new findings of significant interest to cell biologists, regardless of the experimental approach.
Journal of EcologyA British Ecological Society journal, the Journal of Ecology publishes original research papers on all aspects of the ecology of plants (including algae), in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.
Molecular And Cellular BiologyMolecular and Cellular Biology® (MCB) is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of fundamental knowledge concerning the molecular biology of all eukaryotic cells. MCB seeks technically rigorous, mechanistic studies that provide significant advances in the areas of gene expression and genome organization, cellular morphology and function, molecular metabolism, cellular trafficking, and signal transduction. The journal is also interested in studies that investigate molecular, cellular, and systemic host responses to pathogenic agents in chronic diseases and conditions.
NatureNature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public.
ScienceScience is a leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research. Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide readership of more than one million. Science’s authorship is global too, and its articles consistently rank among the world's most cited research.