A Title page is required for an APA citation.
Center align the title of your paper in the upper half of the page. Follow the title with a subtitle, your name, and school as shown below:
Title of Paper:
Your Name
Lamar University
Margins: 1 inch on all sides (left, right, top and bottom).
To set margins in Microsoft Word 2010:
Select Page Layout > Margins > Normal
Line Spacing: double space all text.
To double space lines in Microsoft Word 2010:
Select Home > Line Spacing Icon > 2.0
Indentation: Indent each paragraph 1/2 an inch.
To indent a paragraph hit the tab button once (under the default Mircosoft Word settings).
Font Size: 12 point font size and (usually) Times New Roman font type
To change font size and type in Microsoft Word 2010:
Home > Font Size > Select 12
Home > Font > Select Times New Roman
On the top of each page, enter your paper's title, then the page number.
To enter your last name and page number in Microsoft Word 2010:
The References List should always start on a new page.
Title: The title of the page should be centered on a 1" margin from the top of the page. The title should be References.
Entry Order: Citations should be organized in alphabetical order. If there is no author for an entry than use the sources title. If there is more than one source by the same author, organize by publication date (earliest to latest).
Alignment: The first line of each citation should align with the left margin (1" from left side). Each subsequent line should indent a 1/2" from the first line.
Line Spacing: Double space each line of the works cited page.
For more help, please see the APA Formatting Your Paper guide created by Alexis Carlson at Indian River State College