- Geodata.gov
- Cold Regions Bibliography
of records from the Army's Cold Regions Research and Engineering
Laboratory (CRREL). NOTE: User ID and password are required but they
give you this information to enter.
- Board on Geographic Names
Database of physical and cultural features in the U.S. that gives latitude, longitude, and other location information
- National Earthquake Information Center
of information on current and historical earthquakes, as well as
general information on the phenomenon, operated by the US Geological
- National Hurricane Center
Information on current and historical storms
- National Resources Inventory
data on land use and natural resource conditions

- National Weather Service, Austin/San Antonio office
Forecasts, alerts, educational materials and historical information (e.g., record snowfalls)
- Ocean Portal
- Riverwatch
of current information and near-term predictions for river conditions
throughout the entire Mississippi basin, including the Missouri and Ohio
- Storm Events Database
National Climatic Data Center site that allows searching for events in a particular state or county back to 1993.
- USGS Publications Warehouse
Databases of references to over 70,000 reports (some with full-text content available online).
USGS Publications Warehouse
United State Geological Survey Database of research and technical
reports, maps, books, and conference papers in numerous USGS series.
Topics are geological processes, climate change and global warming,
mineral resources, etc.